Monday, November 3, 2008

Educated Pirate!

I bet most of didn't know I have a degree! That's right a diploma and everything.

Here it is...
That's right it's signed by non other than Captain Jack Sparrow.

He was my Professor at the Academy!

He taught me to impress the on looking ladies with my sword handling,

how to use my sword to defend myself against other pirates,
And of course how to sing and dance!

I'm only an Apprentice Pirate. I thought about going back for my Masters, but my Mom said there's not a lot of work out there for pirates right now so I'm going to stay in Elementary School and keep my options open.


Shreai said...

although it would be VERY cool for you to be a pirate...i think your mom is right...i hear the pay isnt so good either!

Momo said...

Peyton sweetie if you want to get your masters to become a Pirate you just go for it. LOL!!!! You can be any thing you want to be. You just go out there and kick butt.

About Me

My photo
I'm just your average everyday 6 year old. I want to be just like my Mom and Dad. They watch TV, I watch TV. They read books, I read books. They start a blog page, of course I want my Mom to post all my school work on her page. So she gives me My Own Page. Are you other kids paying attention? See how that works! HeHe! Spend some time here with me and enjoy being a 6 year old again!
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