Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ready & Waiting!

OK Santa I'm ready!
This weekend we put up our tree. We have SO many ornaments. My Mom has some pretty ones and I have some fun ones too. I have a Buzz Lightyear, Jack Sparrow, Mickey Mouse, and a bunch more. So I put up as many as I could. But after a while I gave up. I thought the tree looked pretty good, I put all the ornaments right in the front so Santa can see them. The weird part was when I left the room my Mom moved all ornament to different places. (She's so WEIRD!)
I also got to make a gingerbread house with my cousins Madison and Sophia and My Aunt Nita this weekend. It looked AWESOME and tasted Yummy!

So Santa if you need to get a head start, my tree is up and ready! And if you need gift ideas for me just click my Wish List over there on the left side on my page!


Momo said...

Peyton you did such a awesome job on the tree. I can't wait to come see you. I love you so much.

Shreai said...
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About Me

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I'm just your average everyday 6 year old. I want to be just like my Mom and Dad. They watch TV, I watch TV. They read books, I read books. They start a blog page, of course I want my Mom to post all my school work on her page. So she gives me My Own Page. Are you other kids paying attention? See how that works! HeHe! Spend some time here with me and enjoy being a 6 year old again!
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