Wednesday, December 31, 2008

They made me do it!

I held Layla! But I sure didn't want to. They made me do it. I protested and threw a fit but in the end the three of them (Mom, Momo, and Aunt Reai) are bigger than I am.
Not really sure what my big problem was. I didn't know if I was going to drop her or if she was going to bite me or poop on me. All I knew was I didn't want to hold that baby or any baby for that matter. My best friends Nathan and Danah have baby brother and sisters and I never want to hold or touch those babies either. So it's nothing personal Layla! I must not be a baby person yet! Maybe someday, until then hold your own babies and stop asking me if I want to do it, cause the answer is "NO!"

Monday, December 29, 2008

Sunday, December 7, 2008

My Visit with Santa!

I went to see Santa a couple of weekends ago, and I told him what I want for Christmas: a Nintendo Wii, and Sorry Sliders! We talked for a while and of course my Mom made me get my picture taken with him, ( she's kind of picture crazy I think! )
But the best part about the visit was Santa had two of his Reindeer there with him!
They were really Big, and pretty!
It was the first time I ever saw a reindeer in real life it was so AWESOME!

About Me

My photo
I'm just your average everyday 6 year old. I want to be just like my Mom and Dad. They watch TV, I watch TV. They read books, I read books. They start a blog page, of course I want my Mom to post all my school work on her page. So she gives me My Own Page. Are you other kids paying attention? See how that works! HeHe! Spend some time here with me and enjoy being a 6 year old again!
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