Friday, December 18, 2009

New Background!

Mom made me a new background. Woo Hoo! She said I was being picking. Ever so often I'd come in the room and check on her progress. And if I didn't like something she was adding, I made her take it off. After a while she made me stay out of the room til she was finished. (giggles)
Hey it's my blog page that's all I have to say!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Basketball is Back!

It's time to start basketball practice again. I'm playing in the Upward league again this year. We started practices last week. My games will start in January.
So far Mom said my skills are improving.

The bad part is I have to take my glasses off to play so they don't break and so I don't get hurt. I hope I can still see the basket???

I'll let ya'll know when my games start and how I improve through the season. Keep checking back for updates.

About Me

My photo
I'm just your average everyday 6 year old. I want to be just like my Mom and Dad. They watch TV, I watch TV. They read books, I read books. They start a blog page, of course I want my Mom to post all my school work on her page. So she gives me My Own Page. Are you other kids paying attention? See how that works! HeHe! Spend some time here with me and enjoy being a 6 year old again!
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