Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Swoosh! Better Late Than Never!

Well my UPWARDS Basketball season is over. I'm so sad. I had a really awesome time and learned a lot about basketball.

I learned how to catch passes and rebounds!

I learned some defensive moves like swatting the ball away from the other team and

blocking shots and passes.

And in my last game of the season I finally made my first basket! My Mom was in the crowd going crazy. I was so happy, I practiced shooting a lot the day before and it paid off.

The best part about basketball is making new friends. This is my friend Noah!

My Mom even made new friends! This is Noah's little brother Jordan.

Thanks to Noah's Mom, Faith for all my awesome Basketball pictures since my Mom's camera wouldn't work in the church.


Shreai said...

So i guess its safe to start calling you Michael Jordan? I'm so proud of you Peyton! Reai can't even make a basket!! I guess you just got some MAD skills huh?!

LOVE Reai & LaylaJ.

Momo said...

Awesome pictures its nice to meet new friends. You did a wonder job at playing wish i could have gone to your games. Love you and miss you.

About Me

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I'm just your average everyday 6 year old. I want to be just like my Mom and Dad. They watch TV, I watch TV. They read books, I read books. They start a blog page, of course I want my Mom to post all my school work on her page. So she gives me My Own Page. Are you other kids paying attention? See how that works! HeHe! Spend some time here with me and enjoy being a 6 year old again!
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